Currently viewing the category: "Nathaniel"

January 10, 2017 by
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I didn’t have enough time to complete the whole costume in time to enter the 2016 Halloween contest, but I still wanted to show the final piece. We had such a blast! These guys were the ONLY characters from Up. It was the best. They had so many compliments and photos taken. Hope everyone had […]

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My puppets!!

November 2, 2015 by

Nathaniel is clearly the unhappy one…unfortunatly this was the only good one I (the puppeteer) have of both he and Noah. Hope everyone had a Super Happy Halloween!

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Caught off guard…

October 7, 2015 by

Well, its been a little while since I’ve posted an update about Nathaniel. He recently had a Nasal tip reconstruction and the right nare had to have bone shaved since it was completely obstructed. Other than that, he’s been doing very well. I was a little saddened last night though and it’s carried over today. […]

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This could be considered an odd or unfathomable question to some, but I’m curious if there are any WHS children who suffer from epilepsy/organ failure who have been on a trial/or even using CBD oils as a treatment? We live in Texas and CBD oil is now considered legal. I’ve read that the CBD is extracted […]

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Long & Overdue Update

April 15, 2015 by

Well, it’s a little short of a year since my last post. Nathaniel is now 4 years and 3 months….he’s still hopping around, can pull himself up on things like the sofa, table, and the edge of my bed, but will only walk with his walker when he wants to. He’s like a puppy…constantly chewing […]

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We’re Crawling!!!

April 23, 2014 by

Nathaniel finally started crawling March 1st. Since my last post, we’ve had a new addition to the family. Nathaniel is now an older brother to Noah. It’s funny because Nathaniel is 3, weighs 24lbs and is 36″ long. Noah is 5 months, weighs atleast/minimum 25lbs and is 25″ long. They wear the same size clothes(3T), […]

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He can sit!!!

August 12, 2013 by

It is official, Nathaniel can sit!!! He’s always made it known that he wants to sit by rocking/doing a sit up and we catch him and hold him to sit. But one night about a week ago, we were watching the original Superman movie in bed and he was trying to sit up so I […]

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Well, it’s been a while since my last post. Luckily, Nathaniel has managed to remain “seizure free” since January 29th. I think the Ketogenic Diet has made a huge differance. Unfortunately, we just spent nearly 2 weeks in the hospital. On the 3rd, Nathaniel was admitted in the hospital for respiratory distress. Turns out, he […]

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Molluscum Contagiosum……

February 5, 2013 by

Nathaniel has had what looked like fluid-like red bumps on his lower back from the time he was born and they stayed the same….never changed. But at the end of December I noticed what looked to be a heat rash under his pits….this was a week before admitted for Pneumonia. I figured it was probably […]

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Well, so much has happened since my last post. Nathaniel spent this past Halloween in the hospital. That’s when he was sick and lost weight, so he had an emergency g-tube placed. Then 11/27/13, there we were, back in PICU-seizure. Then 12/27/13….he was originally admitted because of Pneumonia and respiratory distress. A few hours later […]

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I was hoping I wouldn’t have another update so soon. So, as you may have last read, Nathaniel had a touch of the stomach virus on the 22nd (Mon.) and saw the doctor on the 26th (Fri.)…..on the 29th (Mon.) had to go back to see the doctor because he hadn’t been eating and had […]

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Another Update :(

October 26, 2012 by

Nathaniel had a set back. There was a “stomach virus” going around and I think he got a hint of it. He was really lethargic, and had severe loss of appetite, but no fever or vomiting….THANK GOD!! It started this past Monday and he followed up with his “new” pediatrician on Wednesday-because the doctor wasn’t […]

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GI & Orthopedist update.

October 15, 2012 by

Well, good news! Since the on-call/ER doctor took over Nathaniel’s care and had me document every meal, Nathaniel has gained so much weight. I went a little beyond and started documenting calories. Turns out he was getting enough food to get full, but I wasn’t managing his calorie intake as well as I could have. […]

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My Little Monkey

October 4, 2012 by

The moment I knew I was having a boy, I became obsessed with monkeys. Last year, Nathaniel wasn’t able to go trick or treating…so this is going to be his first year. This monkey costume was intended for last year and thanks to the “small stature” of WHS it still fits him!!! Here’s my monkey […]

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Well, on the the 24th of September, Nathaniel ended up in the hospital again…..another seizure. He was intubated and they weren’t able to get a good vein so he required an IO all over again. The on-call doctor mentioned a g-tube and fundoplication. My heart sank. I fought and fought for the heiberman when he […]

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Whew! Am I tired!

September 21, 2012 by

Whew! I have officially read all of the blogs posted and commented on most of them…..unless there were more than ten. As for those, I was only able to comment on a few of them or at least the last of them. I’ve cried, laughed, and cursed but in the end I know our babies […]

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August 30, 2012 by

On the 19th, Nathaniel had an ear infection and was put on an antibiotic. The 20th, he had his routine appointment with his ENT to see if his ears were big enough for tubes…they weren’t. This past Monday, he had an appointment with his neurologist and it was decided to up his Keppra from 1ml […]

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Two Sundays ago Nathaniel had another seizure and landed in PICU again. This time he stopped breathing all together and had to be put on a ventilator for about 4 hours. Luckily, it was while we were in the triage room. Once the sedation wore off he was extubated and stayed in PICU for 2.5 […]

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Water Way Babies

July 2, 2012 by

Well, things have been going pretty good. Nathaniel received his Water Way Babies neck ring last Monday. That Wednesday, I was too impatient and so I took him and his 2 brothers and sister swimming and he got to use the ring. He looked so cute just floating in the water. He is a thumb […]

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New update….So much has happened since my last post. For one, Nathaniel got a temporary standing chair and he looks soooo cute! He can tolerate 30 minutes max at a time and had an evaluation with a new speech therapist. She was awesome! She introduced him to bubbles and had him playing with toys in […]

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May 7, 2012 by

Well things had been going great, still are, but Nathaniel had a seizure last Thursday. It lasted about nine minutes and afterwards he was shivering and I’m assuming in pain from the seizing because he was moaning for about another 30 minutes. It took a while, but he slept the remainder of the night. He […]

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Last week, Nathaniel had an appointment with his ophthalmologist and as expected, we scheduled surgery to correct his strabismus on May 10th. I’m not too concerned with the procedure. I worked for an ophthalmologist for over 10 years and kinda-assisted this specific doctor in an in-office-procedure. He is quick and awesome. I know the results […]

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Nathaniel’s update…

April 20, 2012 by

I haven’t had to vent too much because nothing new has come up….Thank God! I do however, get to brag! Nathaniel is doing so much more. Before, I was still having to swaddle him /tuck his right arm around my back and hug him tightly while he fed with the bottle and now he wants […]

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Friends are very important, so I just want to THANK Christina for giving me this website. You have helped me in more ways than you could ever imagine. Please read all of Nathaniel’s stories.

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Yesterday we had a meeting with the geneticist, our actual face-to-face meeting. Got better news than expected. Of course, it’s still too soon to predict his future health. But the fact that my husband was there to discuss Nathaniel’s diagnosis and prognosis was a big step. He finally understood why I was so glued to […]

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Good news!!! Today Nathaniel had a check up with the cardiologist. It appears his heart is functioning even better than last time. He went from every 2 months-to every 6 months, and now he’s not due to follow up for another year. If at his next visit, he’s doing even better, he will be released! […]

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Nathaniel was born 1/8/11. After my first ultrasound, I got a call from my OBGYN and she told me that he might be born with a cleft lip. I was referred back to my friend who specializes in difficult pregnancies, which turned out to be the person who confirmed my pregnancy originally. Turned out that […]

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