Currently viewing the category: "McKenzie"

McKenzie as a chicken

October 29, 2011 by

I hope everyone has a great Halloween.  All of the pictures are absoluely adorable, can’t wait to see more!

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Hope everyone had a great 4th of July.  Well it has been awhile since we have wrote.  I can’t believe kenzie will be 10 months on the 8th.  She is doing great she is about 10lbs.  She had a couple of days of rolling over but hasn’t done it since,  we were very excited.  I […]

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Happy Easter

April 24, 2011 by
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McKenzies story

January 8, 2011 by

I’ll begin McKenzies story at 20 weeks when we found out we were having a girl.  We were very excited to know that we were going to have one of each.  The ultrasound was diffucult because they said my dates must of been off because she was small and measuring two weeks behind, so instead of my due date being oct 4 it was oct 19. 

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About McKenzie

November 22, 2010 by

Sorry I’m new at this!  McKenzie is 2 months old and is doing great.  She takes all of her food froma bottle and is gaining weight slowly but we are gaining.  When I ahve some more time I will write more about her story.

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Introducing McKenzie

November 22, 2010 by
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