Currently viewing the category: "Magnolia"

Magnolia the Garden Gnome

November 9, 2014 by

Magnolia, the garden gnome, really enjoyed Halloween this year. It was her fourth Halloween, but the first that she actually figured out that people would smile and ohh over her if she participated.  Needless to say, she got a lot of candy this year.  We can’t wait for next year.

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Magnolia is 3!

October 26, 2013 by

October 5, 2010, a tiny 3lb 7oz 15.75 inch long baby was born at full term. We had received the WHS diagnosis while we were pregnant so we were prepared for her birth. As prepared as you can be for the complete unknown. Today Magnolia is 17lb 13oz and is 31 inches tall. Here is […]

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Sassy Little Rock Star

November 4, 2012 by

Magnolia has just turned 2.  Some people call them the ‘terrible twos’, but we think Magnolia acts more like a pampered rock star.  She screams for attention when she is ignored, she routinely throws plates of food, leaving messy destruction in her wake, and draws a crowd whenever in public.  So it was an easy […]

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June 14, 2012 by

  20 months?! That cannot be right, because if it is that means that in 4 months she will be 2! How did that happen? Magnolia’s personality becomes clearer everyday. She loves to be in the middle of everything. She has started to make it known to everyone around when she is mad and not […]

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Happy Halloween from us and our Little Bumble Bee!

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Magnolia is 4 months old

February 9, 2011 by

I can’t believe Magnolia is 4 months old already. During these short 4 months she has gone from weighing 3lbs 7oz to 6lbs 15oz. She has grown from 15 and 3/4 inches to 20 and 1/2 inches.

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Introducing Magnolia!

October 12, 2010 by

Magnolia was born on 10.5.10 weighs 3lbs 7ounces and she is 15 3/4 inches long.  We are extremely excited with how well she is doing!!! 

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