Currently viewing the tag: "Hospital"

Mia has had a runny nose on and off for the best part of a month and a cough for a last week or so. She hadn’t seemed too miserable with it and wasn’t running a fever but on Saturday morning, seemingly out of the blue, she had her second full-blown seizure. It followed exactly […]

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The Question…

May 6, 2011 by

I am sure all of you have been asked this question a thousand times when it comes to your WHS child. I know I have since the day Amelia was born. People will look at me, tilt their head, and ask, “How do you do it?” In the beginning, during the first year, I would pause […]

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April is Hospital Month

April 11, 2010 by

Well, we were hospital free for over 12 months, the longest stretch during Kendall’s young life. It seems that April is just not a good month for us. Last year, Kendall was in the hospital over Easter and now she was admitted again in April for early signs of Pneumonia. It’s the usual thing- fever, […]

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1 Year Later

May 29, 2009 by

One year after Kendall was diagnosed, we look back on all that happened during these 12 months…

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Deja Vu

March 4, 2009 by

Well, that feeling that we’ve been here before has crept up on us this past week. Kendall picked up what seemed to be an every day cold on Saturday evening. Things quickly got worse through Sunday and Monday. By Monday night, she was coughing really bad and we feared that she had pneumonia. I took […]

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Cathy gets to go Home

July 31, 2007 by

Although Kendall had to stay in the NICU, Cathy was doing so well after her surgery, that she was able to go home less than 3 days after delivering Kendall by c-section. It was so hard leaving the hospital without Kendall, but we knew that it was important for her to stay until she was […]

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