Currently viewing the category: "Denise"


April 28, 2011 by

Denise has been sick for the last couple weeks. For her, as for all WHS kids, this means poor appetite. She is now better, and since Sunday she is back to eating relatively well for which we are very grateful. Denise has been obsessed with hoodies lately. She has to wear one every day, she […]

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Finally Liking Her Food

January 19, 2011 by

Just recently Denise started liking her food and eating. Feeding has always been a struggle with her – due to her reflux which resulted in food aversion.

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Denise Joins the Crowd

January 13, 2011 by

We embarked the rollercoaster around week 20 of the pregnancy when our baby was found to be on the small side. My due date was pushed 2 weeks back to January 3, instead of December 22. At week 30 we had another ultrasound and the baby was even further behind. I went for a level 2 […]

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