Currently viewing the category: "Dylan"

Dylan the Octopus

November 9, 2014 by

Dylan was an octopus this Halloween.  He loved his costume and had a great time playing with all his octopus legs.  Dylan is 5 years old and currently in Kindergarten.  He is doing wonderful and thriving.  

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It has been a really long time since I have had a chance to sit down and post an update. Time has gotten away from me. School coming to and end and summer beginning has had me in a whirlwind of work, appointments, vacation and just plain fun. I have been wanted to post an […]

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I wanted to share Dylan’s picture in his costume this year just because I think he looks so cute.  (I am not entering him in the contest because he already has an ipad)  I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful and safe Halloween!  

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On Sunday my sister and I took the kids down to the beach in Malibu.  It was overcast, but warm and fun.  The kids had a blast and Dylan had quite the little yoga routine going on, we were cracking up watching him.  It went something like this…   First, you start out on the […]

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Dylan is 3!!!

February 20, 2012 by

I can’t believe our little guy is 3! Three years ago today we welcomed Dylan into the world and our lives were never the same. Becoming Dylan’s mother has changed me in ways I never thought possible. I am most definitely a better person today because I was given the gift of becoming Dylan’s mom. […]

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Dylan is a Bluebird

October 30, 2011 by

I love to make the kids Halloween costumes, it’s the only time when I get a little creative.  This year I thought that Dylan would make a perfect little bluebird.

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Dylan talking

October 13, 2011 by

Our little miracle has decided to start yelling for his sister, Hailey.  For the past few days now he will look all around for her and yell “HAILEY!”  It is so cute.  We are so proud because besides occasionally saying “Ma” this is his first word.  Sorry it’s a link but for some reason I […]

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I wanted to share with all of you how blessed I am feeling right now.  Let me back up and fill you all in.  For months now I have been trying to get California Children’s Services to approve a gait trainer and a pair of Surestep orthotics for Dylan.  It has been an uphill battle, […]

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Dylan’s Easter

April 26, 2011 by

We all had a wonderful Easter.  The first picture is Easter morning of my little bunny in the beans – we always find time to add some therapy into the day.  And the second is Dylan with his little brother Luke and big sis Hailey.  They were so cute together and had a great time […]

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Dylan’s latest

April 8, 2011 by

Dylan has been showing off more and more lately and I am so glad I captured it on camera.  About a year ago Dylan learned how to raise up his arms when I would say “pick me up.”  He would do it all the time and then that skill suddenly stopped about 8 months ago. 

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Wow, time has really gone by fast.  I have been thinking about this post for a while now and I could cry but I won’t. 🙂  Preparing for his party today I was thinking about when Dylan entered this world.  I was induced at 39 weeks because he wasn’t growing as he should and the […]

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Dylan update

January 22, 2011 by

I haven’t posted here in a while but I wanted to share some recent pictures and an update on Dylan.  He is now 23months old and getting so big – well only about 17lbs but he seems HUGE.  He has been able to sit up pretty well now since September but still will only do […]

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Dylan Scooting Around In the month of May Dylan had quite a set back, he broke his leg.  This occurred when he was standing holding on to the couch and he did a funny little twist to the side and I caught him before he even fell.  I really didn’t think that he could have […]

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Does anyone else’s child have or had a tethered spinal cord?

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Introducing Dylan

April 15, 2010 by

Dylan was born on Feb. 20, 2009 and weighed in at 5lbs13oz and measured 18″ long.  I had an uneventful pregnancy until 29 weeks when I was diagnosed as having IUGR.  To make a very long story short, I had every test in the book performed and multiple ultrasounds and everything came back as “normal” […]

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