I can’t believe our little guy is 3! Three years ago today we welcomed Dylan into the world and our lives were never the same. Becoming Dylan’s mother has changed me in ways I never thought possible. I am most definitely a better person today because I was given the gift of becoming Dylan’s mom. He warms my heart and brings a smile to my face everyday. Happy Birthday sweet Dylan, we love you so much!

Here is a list of all of his wonderful and amazing accomplishments from the last year:
~He began finger feeding, mostly larger objects like graham crackers that he can easily grip and hold on to.
~He began exploring things with his mouth. We were very excited that he was doing this but watch out because if he grabs a hold of your book you are going to find little teeth marks all around the edges.
~His main means of mobility is still rolling but he can go all over the house and is super fast! We are happy to see him roll across the room to get a toy or pet the dog.
~ We were able to get Dylan a Rifton Pacer gait trainer and he can manuever that thing all over. We are still working on recipricol steps because he tends to want to push off with both feet at the same time.
~He can sit on a backless stool forever! And is very proud and as happy as can be.
~ He can stand against the wall and can stand in his reverse walker all by himself.
~ He can also take about 5-10 steps with light support around his hips.
~He is vocalizing more and more and can say his sister’s name “Hailey” although it sounds more like “Hayeee!” He also just started saying “gagagaga” which has been very exciting.

Also now that he is three he has phased out of the birth to three program from the Regional Center so we had to say goodbye to our wonderful and loving in home therapists that have worked will Dylan the past three years and have had to start looking a pre-schools. We did find a wonderful school in our district that has the M.O.V.E. (Mobility Opportunities Via Education) program. All of the teachers are M.O.V.E. trained and the school is equiped with standers, walkers, gait trainers, etc… and the focus is to get the kids up and mobile. They have a PT and OT at the school that work with the kids throughout the day. It seems like it would be the best school placement for Dylan at this time as he is still working on crawling and walking. I am not sure when I will have him start but I know that it will be a wonderful opportunity for him.


5 Responses to Dylan is 3!!!

  1. crivera75 says:

    Happy Birthday Dylan! You have made accomplished so much! Way to go! You are an inspiration to all WHS children!

  2. Leonie says:

    Happy birthday Dylan!! Awesome update, so glad to hear all that amazing progress 🙂

  3. Anitra says:

    Loved reading all of Dylan’s accomplishments. Way to go Dylan!! And happy birthday too! M.O.V.E. sounds like a great program – will check back to see how it goes!

  4. shirley bidnick says:

    Happy third birthday. Dylan is doing great. Pre school at age three seems tough, but early intervention and a loving family really helps children with WHS. I heard Dylan say Haley on a previous video. It was amazing. He is fortunate to have siblings.

  5. Letty says:

    Happy SUPER LATE Birthday to Dylan!

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