Currently viewing the tag: "Halloween 2011"

As our (annual) 2011 Halloween contest winds down, we close it with a few photos of the winning kids and their new iPads. Congrats to everyone! I had to add one extra of me, Kendall and Frank. I don’t have many pictures of me and 2 kids with whs!

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Sorry for the delay. Watch the video to get the results!   Here are a few additional details of the contest. Everyone did a great job of creating Wolf-Hirschhorn awareness and an interest in our children. Thank you! 42,000 site page views 14,000 new visitors 7,704 total votes 4 total iPads to give away and […]

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I am proud to say that our voice as a community was heard today and everyone did a phenomenal job of showing the world what our kids are all about. Upon embarking on this contest, I set some goals for the site, it’s visitor traffic and votes that our kids will receive over the course of this […]

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Paisley loves Halloween. There is nothing better than going door to door and having everyone oooooh and aaaah over you. This year her mom transformed her wheelchair and Paisley into a fantastic spider! Her web even had flashing lights. Paisley is 8 this year and can now even reach and pull out a piece of […]

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Happy Halloween Everyone!  We had an amazing holiday celebrating Halloween with Vincent, age 8.  Vincent dressed as a veterinarian, went Trick or Treating with our next door neighbors and happily marched in the costume parade during his school’s Harvest Moon Festival. Every morning for the past two weeks, Vincent wakes up and asks “Is it Halloween?” He’s a very happy […]

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Rheyn: A Brobee Doppleganger

November 3, 2011 by

This Halloween was Rheyn’s first to trick-or-treat door to door and he really enjoyed it….until about the 4th house, when he realized we couldn’t go inside the houses to hug and visit with all of our neighbors. He’d take hugs and new place exploration over candy any day! But even so, he still had a […]

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Whether it is rock n roll, rap, pop, country or Christmas music, Nathan will find a way to sing and dance along with the tune! As with most of our kiddos, Nathan LOVES music! He has been to many live concerts, including seeing RUSH 3 times, including once from the front row and meeting the […]

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Emma was an 80’s rockstar princess, or at least our attempt at one!  We thought that since she loves music and dancing so much, it’d be perfect!  I think she rocked the costume well!  She really enjoyed trick or treating this year (except for when she saw people in masks).  She loved putting the candy […]

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Peyton says Moo!

November 2, 2011 by

Peyton says Happy Halloween to all of his WHS friends. Over the last two months he has really started to talk to us all of the time and his favorite sounds are ba and ma. Pretty soon, he will be saying Moo!

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Frank did not trick-or-treat this year, but we did dress him up in the coonskin cap that each of his older siblings has worn over the years. It’s a permanent fixture in the dress-up box, and this year was Frank’s year to wear it.   Frank is very close to sitting without assistance.  He also […]

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Dr. Talon Seuss

November 1, 2011 by

Hello, this is Talon. He is 4 years old and has Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. He is my little Miracle and truly my hero. He has touched so may lifes with his beautiful smile and love that radiates from him always. Talon has already surpassed at 4 yrs old, what the doctors told us he would […]

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Justin’s Going to Jail

November 1, 2011 by

Justin is 24 years old and it took him 20 years to say mama. He is a very loving young man. He loves women, music and sports. The Dr.’s are amazed to this day how well he is doing. He played with an ipad at the hospital last week and we saw a differnt side […]

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Arin is a little lamb

November 1, 2011 by

Arin is growing and doing well and was a lamb this year for Halloween and went trick or treating for the first time. It is hard to believe that she is 7 months old already. She is now 11lbs 7oz and 22inches.

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Taylor’s 2011 Halloween

November 1, 2011 by

This may not be Taylor’s first Halloween but it is the first time she has dressed up for door to door trick or treating.  This is the same costume her brother Tyler who is now 7 years old wore when he was 3 years old.

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We are going to exclude Riley from the picture contest (she has an ipad already) but thought we would share a few pictures of our sweet girl. And our big news . . . Riley has started walking!

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Recipe for a Super Girl!

October 31, 2011 by

Prep: 37 Weeks Cook: A Lifetime Ingredients: Micro deletion and inversion of the 4th Chromosome One hundred and Eighty Pounds of two brothers Two fire breathing dragon parents Thousands of family and friends   Directions: Prep a family of four for the arrival of a preemie size baby with an extra large attitude, a humongous […]

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Livi was slated to be TinkerBell about four months ago. See she has a five year old cousin who absolutely adores her. One day while cleaning out her room with her mom, they came across her Halloween costume from her first Halloween. Well she just had to give it to Livi. So, it didn’t really matter […]

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I hope this counts as a costume, but it’s hard enough to find preemie clothes let alone a halloween costume! Happy Halloween from Ava!

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Happy Halloween, everyone! From our little pumpkin, Mia Rose.

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We decided that our three little ones suck the lives out of us, so what better for them to be than Vampires for Halloween? Kendall is all decked out in her blood draining outfit.  

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Happy Halloween from us and our Little Bumble Bee!

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Dylan is a Bluebird

October 30, 2011 by

I love to make the kids Halloween costumes, it’s the only time when I get a little creative.  This year I thought that Dylan would make a perfect little bluebird.

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McKenzie as a chicken

October 29, 2011 by

I hope everyone has a great Halloween.  All of the pictures are absoluely adorable, can’t wait to see more!

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Dakota Rose at Halloween!

October 29, 2011 by

Here’s a photo of Dakota Rose Cortright (8-3-02, 4p-) We live in California and have relatives in Wisconsin that purchased this sweet costume for our sweet little girl.  

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Grace’s First Halloween!

October 29, 2011 by

Here is our wonderful daughter grace in her Halloween pumkin dress…. We had great fun in ripping up all the crepe paper.. Grace thought it was hilarious!!! We even had loads of smiles! Great fun!!! Happy Halloween guys!! Can’t wait to see all the kids in thier costumes!!

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I always wanted a little girl…even from the time that I was a little girl. I was as “princess” as they came~ I role-played all of the damsels in distress in my make-believe world (with a little help from some Disney vinyl records that had all the songs). When my oldest daughter was born, I […]

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This year we decided to all be cowboys / cowgirls.  Check out our photos of Alexander and the twins. The kids loved it.  I loved it.  What an awesome contest 🙂 Kristen

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Tommy as his favorite character – DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba!

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