Posts by author: Heather (Frankie's mom)

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted about Frank. He is doing well! He is currently in sixth grade and loving middle school. He spent six years at an elementary school in various self-contained classrooms, and we were very happy with that set-up. We intended to have him retained for a year so he could stay […]

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I am going to take a cue from Kevin’s post on Kendall’s five year milestones, and do something similar for my son Frank, who just turned three this past weekend.  I find it helpful to have some idea where other kids are at, and I hope this will be helpful to others. Frank has been […]

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                  Uncle Frank, I mean Uncle Sam, says “I WANT YOU To Tell Your Friends About This!”  About this contest, that is. Of course, it would be grand to win an iPad (we should know because Frank the Frontiersman won one last year, and it has been […]

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Frank did not trick-or-treat this year, but we did dress him up in the coonskin cap that each of his older siblings has worn over the years. It’s a permanent fixture in the dress-up box, and this year was Frank’s year to wear it.   Frank is very close to sitting without assistance.  He also […]

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Frank watched his family dye Easter eggs, watched his siblings hunt for eggs, went to church with the family, sat with us while we ate Easter dinner, but it was this toy stuffed bunny that cracked him up.  The highlight of the day was listening to him giggle when the bunny ears tickled him.

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I have been following this blog since it started, which was not too long after my son Frank was born.  And I have been meaning to write his story for the same amount of time.  Today is the day!   Frank was born November 25, 2009, which was the day before Thanksgiving that year.  It […]

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