Currently viewing the tag: "Speech Therapy"

In our subdivision, we have this awesome pool and we’ve rigged up enough flotation devices that allow her to roam free around the pool. She can get her bicycle kicks going and has figured out how to maneuver herself in whatever direction she chooses. We’re hoping this gets her running pretty soon. We’ll see!

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1 Year Later

May 29, 2009 by

One year after Kendall was diagnosed, we look back on all that happened during these 12 months…

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Deja Vu

March 4, 2009 by

Well, that feeling that we’ve been here before has crept up on us this past week. Kendall picked up what seemed to be an every day cold on Saturday evening. Things quickly got worse through Sunday and Monday. By Monday night, she was coughing really bad and we feared that she had pneumonia. I took […]

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