Posts by author: Carissa

To know Ava, is to love her! She has the sweetest demeanor, always content and her smile lights up the room. She has changed so much this year … last year, I remember, she was 1 month old and was wearing preemie clothes; she only wore a hat as her Halloween costume. At 13 lb 2 oz, she now wears […]

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Ava Giggles

July 30, 2012 by

In the last several months, Ava has really blossomed in terms of personality. She has been giving us lots of giggles and smiles. She’s nearly always happy and content. Her newest trick is making raspberry sounds, of which I filmed, but for some reason the sound didn’t pick up. Oh well, I’ll refilm it and save it […]

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I felt it appropriate to give an update on Ava on the one year anniversary of her diagnosis. It was also the day I was first introduced to this website (of which, I’m so thankful to have found). So much has changed since that day and yet the memories are still as fresh as if […]

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Ava Update

February 25, 2012 by

Ava turns 5 months this week, and the time has felt very surreal – it’s gone by fast and slow. We haven’t left the house much at all in order to avoid germs, the cold weather and because Ava hates the car seat. I tell people I live in the Twilight Zone in combination with […]

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I hope this counts as a costume, but it’s hard enough to find preemie clothes let alone a halloween costume! Happy Halloween from Ava!

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One month down for Ava

October 28, 2011 by

Wow, I can’t believe Ava is already one month old!  After spending nine days in the NICU, she finally came home and she has been thriving ever since.  She takes a bottle very well, eating breast milk fortified with ½ teaspoon of formula for added calories. She is now 5 lb. 14 oz. (a one […]

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Welcome to the World, Ava!

September 29, 2011 by

Ava was born yesterday, September 28, 2011 at 8:09 am via planned c-section. At 39 weeks and 2 days gestation, she weighed 5 lb, 2 oz and was 19.5 inches long (praise the Lord!). Currently, she is in the NICU due to some small breathing problems but other than that she’s doing great! She will […]

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Ava Lynn

August 30, 2011 by

Hello everyone. My name is Carissa. I’ve been reading this site for a couple months now, and I know God brought me here to help get me through one of the toughest trials of my life. Let me tell you why … I guess you could say that our story started nearly a year ago. […]

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