This Halloween was Rheyn’s first to trick-or-treat door to door and he really enjoyed it….until about the 4th house, when he realized we couldn’t go inside the houses to hug and visit with all of our neighbors. He’d take hugs and new place exploration over candy any day! But even so, he still had a good time walking around (on his feet!) and spending time with Sister, Grammy, Auntie, and me for most of the evening. He even plucked a couple pieces of candy out of the neighbors’ bowls here and there, and (of course) peeked into a few windows while waiting for doors to open. So not all was lost!

Not too long ago, we had a rooted out Nook Color that acted as Rheyn and his sister’s tablet but it has since been broken and we haven’t been able to replace it with anything else, so if we could win the iPad – that would be amazing. I know Rheyn would love it and be able to learn on it without getting too bored, too quick!

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5 Responses to Rheyn: A Brobee Doppleganger

  1. Jessmarie9 says:

    Haha! Rheyn is the man. Such a cute kid. Xoxo.

  2. Laurie says:

    Awesome expression!!

  3. Lisa says:


  4. Heather says:

    He looks so happy! Glad to hear he enjoyed his Halloween, and people should be more interesting than candy, so it sounds like his priorities are in check!

  5. Letty says:

    He’s so cute!

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