Nayana is 5 months this October. Time sure flies by!. I admit i dont get to log on here as much as i’d  like but I would like to say that i really do appreciate all of the well wishes we have received. I try to read everyone’s posts, nd im saddened by some of the things i hear but am happy nd hopeful of all the strides our children are making…So here is a picture of Nayana as a witch for halloween. Her head in still considerably small and we couldnt find a witch’s hat that fit her..sooo i made it ( be kind please lol).Not the best work i admit ,but it worked! sort of =) (she wouldnt stop moving)..Enjoy

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2 Responses to A Witch!!

  1. letty says:

    She is adorable! AND her hat looks great 🙂

  2. Heather (Frankie's mom) says:

    You should be proud; you did a great job with her hat! She looks great.

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