Let me introduce you all to my beautiful baby girl grace. She is 14 weeks and it’s flying by… Time goes so quickly and every day is so precious. We found out that she has whs at 9 weeks.. And our world felt like it had come crashing down. I must say that to me grace is perfect in every way and we all love her sooo much! I am sometimes scared but somehow she gives me the strengh I need when I’m having a bad day. Grace smiles, coos and I get the odd little giggle if I tickle her feet it’s such a great reward to see her smile at me. We do have some problems with feeding and she did have a tube put in place but we are slowlygetting there and the tube has been removed for a test week to see how she goes without it and she is taking most of her bottles no problemthen we have a little break and try again. I will keep everybody posted, I really enjoy Reading peoples stories… Gives me so much hope for the long road ahead. X

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10 Responses to Perfect to me..

  1. cherelle says:

    thats beautiful jay shes a diamond n i know she will prove the docs wrong as we see xx

  2. Aunty Arlene says:

    Oh Jay and Me Me. Little Tinkerbell is amazing and she is all the more loved and cherished. OMG! how pretty is our Gracie Lou. You are both doing an amazing job and are truly the best parents ever. All my love. xxx

  3. Kristy says:

    Grace is beautiful! Hang in there, I know that we can all travel a rough road with WHS but our kiddos prove the docs wrong every day. Know that we are hear for you. I hope and pray that Grace continues to eat well and thrive. I look forward to reading more about her.

    Much Love,
    Mom to Dylan

  4. Amanda Mack says:

    Jay, you and Grace are doing wonderfully, stay strong and together. We are all here for you. Lots of love and hugs, Amanda xxx

  5. Shannon says:

    Grace is beautiful!!! 🙂

  6. Samm says:

    Hi…hope all is well with you and your beautiful Lil princess….I have been chatting to your mum on face book ..keep strong ,everyday is a learning curve and most of our kiddies prove the doctors wrong !!
    Lots of love

  7. Hilary says:

    Grace is beautiful!! Welcome. I’m looking forward to getting to know both of you. This site is amazing for support.

    Hilary, mom of Magnolia (1)

  8. Jo Jones says:

    Just voted for little Grace, shes is beautiful and very very cute. Loads of Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. paul says:

    She’s gorgeous jay & you shouldn’t have any worries because if she’s anything like her mum she’s gonna be a tough lil cookie x

  10. shirley bidnick says:

    Belated congratulations on the birth of sweet baby grace. I am just beginning to read her story, and I hope all is going to go well for her and her family.

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