This was a gorgeous fall weekend where we had alot of fun but it was particularly satisfying for me because I made it a priority to take lots of pics and capture the “Brodie” I get to see, play with, experience everyday, the faces it’s hard to catch unless you make every event a photo shoot (which we did this weekend:), the skills and action shots that show everything Brodie is doing now because I – we- are SO PROUD OF HIM!  By the way, it was a huge….monumentally huge, celebration Wednesday when Brodie had his 6 month eval by the Early Intervention Program and……for the first time he scored higher than his age in categories of the exam.  (He’s 2 1/2 now)  And I am constantly humbled and reminded, as hard as I try to not underestimate Brodie, that he is going to be a child that blows through barriers, overcomes large and looming challenges, and will keep surprising us no matter how amazing we think he is- a fact of our life for which I am thankful for every morning and every night.  These kids bring so much joy, I can’t tell you how many times we are up with Brodie in the night and feelings of frustration and impatience turn into giggles all around as he does his sign for drink or says “ma” really strong or shows off some other little skill that just makes us happy.  I’ve been meaning to post a story about his speech progress because that is his biggest challenge and we’ve learned things that I think would be of interest to others but I’m still working on that video.  Til then I hope everyone enjoys the happy faces of Brodie,  Ross helped me get all of these pictures copied from my latest blog post on Brodie’s page so thanks very much Ross! 

These are the cute faces I get to see everytime I make his bath.  One of my favorite times of the day.

“C’mon, let’s go to your swing!”

“What are you doing down there Mom, would you just push me and stop trying to be so artsy-fartsy.”

This is his face when I tell him Nani and Pop are coming over- spasms of giggles.

So he get’s out of his car and looks at each of us like “did you just say what I thought you said??”

And this is his face when I say “Yes!  They are coming!  Nani and Pop are coming right now in Pop’s truck!”


4 Responses to Say “Cheese” Brodie

  1. Ross says:

    Great photos, LeeAnn! Brodie is too cute and you have every right to be super proud of him with the fantastic progress he’s making. As with all the kids on this site, he is a true source of inspiration.

    Thank you for sharing,


  2. Shannon says:

    Go Brodie! He is such a cutie! And looks like he is doing AWESOME!!! 🙂

  3. shirley bidnick says:

    I just finished reading all of your Brodie posts and watching your videos. I plan to read about all the children. Each child’s story is like a book in the WHS library. All the books are so interesting. Brodie’s story and pictures almost leave me speechless, only because there is so much I want to say, that I don’t know where to begin. Brodie is a beautiful, beautiful, blue eyed, blond haired boy. He makes me wonder if 4p- is the genetic code for angels. When I watch the videos he seems to look and behave like the little girl down the block who doesn’t have WHS. His delays appear to be minimal. When I look at some of his photos, I see some poses, that mimic the ones I captured Rochelle in when she was small. All I am left with is gratitude for this site and endless optimism for Brodie and the other children on the site. Thank you for sharing him with me. I enjoy it so much.

  4. Jennifer says:

    Your child is beautiful. He is amazing. Doctors are not Gods, nor are they fortune tellers. They cannot predict what your child will do. I truly wish they would stop trying.

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