Posts by author: JennG

We are excited for JD’s first Halloween. When dreaming about his excellent costume we wanted to embrace his orthotics rather than hide everything. When he was fitted for his boots he looked like a junior snowboarder . . .hence JD, World Champ Snowboarder was born. With a custom board, vintage vest, and killer eyewear JD […]

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James Douglas (JD) was born 4/2/12 at 3:43pm (at 35½ weeks) weighing in at a HUGE 3lbs, 4oz. James is doing FANTASTIC! We have said all along he is strong and a fighter. • He came out crying and breathing all on his own • His heartbeat is perfect • He is a wiggle worm […]

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Expecting a Baby Boy

March 5, 2012 by

After nearly two months of exploring and using this site for support my husband and I wanted to introduce ourselves to the community and share our story. Nate is my amazing husband and we have a brilliant 1½ year-old son, Connor. On the day of our son’s 1st birthday party we found out we were […]

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