We are excited for JD’s first Halloween. When dreaming about his excellent costume we wanted to embrace his orthotics rather than hide everything. When he was fitted for his boots he looked like a junior snowboarder . . .hence JD, World Champ Snowboarder was born. With a custom board, vintage vest, and killer eyewear JD is envy of fellow bros on the slopes. (JD made me use the boarder lingo)

When JD is not testing out new gnarly moves he is chillaxin’ at home with his big brother. JD uses his fit 12½ pound, 24 inch frame to work on rolling over and lifting his head high. On 11/2 he will be 7 months and loves showing off his tricks to the whole family.

We have loved all the pictures of JD’s WHS family. Keep them coming. Hope everyone had a super rad 2012 Halloween.


3 Responses to JD, World Champ Snowboarder – Halloween 2012

  1. Letty says:

    HE IS SOOOOO ADORABLE! I miss Nathaniel being that small. He’s now 28.75cm long, which doesn’t seem like much….but OMG it is!

  2. Heather (Frankie's mom) says:

    I love this post. His fit 12½ pound, 24 inch frame will only continue to amaze you with new gnarly moves over the next year. And that is one killer custom board.

  3. carol zeedyk says:

    Oh my goodness JD looks so cute !!!! I vote him the best costume it is soooo cute, he is soooo cute!!!
    Blseeings to him and the family. He is amazing. carol zeedyk

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