For those of you that remember the fun we had last year, this year should be even more fun…

Last year, we gave away 4 ipads to our kids. This year, we’re going to shoot for another 4 (maybe 5).

Here is how it works:

  • Be certain that you have a child with wolf-hirschhorn syndrome (contest is only for children with WHS!)
  • Make sure you have a cool custom for your kiddo come Halloween time.
  • Start spreading the word that you can win a brand new iPad for your child and your family.
  • Take a few photos of your WHS child in their costume around Halloween.
  • Come to this site and create a post, including your favorite picture and a fun story. If you need help, email me and I’ll help you publish your picture!
  • EMAIL ME YOUR PICTURE and CHILD’S NAME after you publish your post(this step is very important).
  • Make sure that your picture is posted by Sunday, November 4th, 11:59pm Central Time. You can any time between now and November 4th.
  • Remind ALL of your friends and family members that you are entering a contest.
  • Give me a few days to get the page up for voting.
  • Once the page goes live, voting will be open for 7 days.
  • At the end of the 7th day, the top kids with the most votes win an iPad, however, this year, we’re going to change it up a little. One iPad to be given to a random participating child in order to give everyone a fair chance, even if they didn’t get the most votes. SO- MAKE SURE YOU ENTER EVEN IF YOU DON’T THINK YOU CAN WIN, because maybe you can!
  • If you won last year, you aren’t eligible, however, we still want you to enter!

Here is what happened last year if you don’t remember:

So, get ready and let’s see the kids! We had 36 kids last year. Let’s shoot for 50!



13 Responses to 2012 Halloween Costume Contest

  1. Kim Shafer says:

    Quick question about voting. We didn’t participate last year- too much going on for me to get my act together. So I am starting early this year- trying to understand how this works. How many times can a person vote- is it just one time for the contest, once a day? I am gearing up. Gonna start writing our post and have to get some cute pictures of him in his costume. Thank you so much for doing this contest!!!!

  2. KevinO says:

    Each person has only one vote during the voting period, which will start a few days after Halloween.

  3. Eva says:

    I placed aldricks halloween pic on WHS group, but don’t remember how to upload it to the halloween contest.
    Aldrick is the one with xray film pic.

  4. Joanne Horen says:

    Well – I didn’t get a response to my question regarding the contest. I don’t have Internet Explorer. I wish whoever posted the info. (Kevin O?) about the contest could clear up the problems.

  5. Ross says:

    Hi Eva, Kevin will collate all the pics from the individual posts, so you don’t need to do anything else to enter the competition. Love Aldrick’s picture by the way!

  6. Ross says:

    Joanne, I help Kevin with the admin of the site… I have created a user ID for you and emailed you the details. I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of creating a post from your previous message on this topic.

    Just let me know if you need any further help.

    Best wishes,


  7. Nicholas McVey says:

    I have left you a message on Facebook as I could not find your email address. I have messaged the picture and name but I am not sure whether this is okay

  8. Ross says:

    Nicholas, a link to the email address is in the original post ( Even better, create an account here and you can then post the picture on the site yourself.

  9. Cheryl says:

    When does voting start?

  10. Janet says:

    Website difficulties. We have been unable to log-in at this point, haven’t received a password to post our story for the Halloween contest……….we’ve sent our story, with pics, to the the e-mail for the Admin. for help and haven’t heard back. Please help us get this posted. We would like to make the deadline.

  11. KevinO says:

    Janet- send a message again to admin and I’ll see it. We’ll get you in. Working on getting the page up to vote. Need a few days here…

  12. corinne werner says:

    Got Ava’s card and pictures in Cox South PICU today. She looks so good and happy. Gkad you have not needed to visit us lately, although we would take care of her anyday. Hope all is well with everyone else. Give Ava hugs for us.
    Corinne, RN

  13. latosha says:

    I love love all the kids Halloween pics, they all look so nice. I’m sad amariah couldn’t participating in this contest esp becuase she is learning touch screen in school..she did not want to trick or treat and def did not want o put her princess costume on so we gave away candy this year. There will be other contest but congrats to the winner!! Great job.

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