Miss Addilynn is 9 months old now,and is weighing in just over 12 pounds! We’ve had our fights with rsv and pneumonia throughout the winter but we are strong and steady now! She will be having her surgery to fix her cleft lip the beginning of may and will be celebrating her 1st birthday this July! She is growing so quickly and we are so blessed to have this beautiful girl in our lives! I love watching her and her big sister McKenna lightly playing together! Thanks for all the prayers, without them I’m not sure where we’d be today!


3 Responses to Update on Addilynn

  1. Ross says:

    Thanks for the update Kourtney, Sounds like Addilynn is doing great. Mia was 9lb 7oz at 9 months (despite having the exact same birth weight as Addilynn), so 12lb is a very respectable weight! Good luck with the surgery, please keep us posted when the time comes.

  2. Letty says:

    Yay!!! Time goes by so fast 🙁 Does she have a cleft palate also? I’m going down the line of stories and have read so many stories that I can’t remember if Addilyn does have a cleft palate. My son Nathaniel had both and it just seemed like we were never done with procedures…but it gets better. He has strabismus and is scheduled for muscle surgery May 10th but hadn’t had anything done for a while. So, keep your head up and things will be so great.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I hope sweet Addilynn and her family are doing well. She had a very difficult start. I look forward to your next post.

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