hi guys

thought i would just update you guys on how little gracie lou is doing..

well shes nearly 6 months old shes doing very well at feeling things and is starting to hold things, she enjoys stroking my hand when i feed her. she is so lovely! she has really started to find her voice keeps us up most nights singing and shouting and is fasinated with her hands she thinks they are brilliant spends most the day looking at them and shouting at them i have alot of hope for grace she is doing amazingly in our eyes.. we are started to get giggles but we have to work really hard at these and its like an inward laugh rather out if you know what i mean lol

there is one massive achievment and that has been her weight gain since we got rid of the tube 2 months ago and started weaning she has put on a good amount each week dont get me wrong we still struggle with feeding sometimes she refuses to take a bottle but will happily have a bowl of baby rice or puree.. think my biggest lesson so far is to feed her when shes hungry and not try to do the forceful 3-4 hours her weight was 5.4 at birth and she now weighs 9.8 which is brilliant!!!!!

the reason for my title a differant kinda love is it amazes me the bond she shares with her father ive never seen anything like it she loves him so much and everybody can see it.. she reconises when hes home and his voice she will turn her head to find where he is in the room, her eyes light up when shes sees him.. she really looks at him indepth like she know what hes thinking and feeling its so cute!!! she really is a daadys girl.. heres some photos from xmas time. hope your all doing well jay xxx



  1. CHERELLE says:

    love it shes is just the most loving child and adore her , X

  2. crivera75 says:

    Wow! Gracie is beautiful. Congratulations on the weight gain that is amazing! Amelia is a daddy’s girl too!

  3. Autumn says:

    She is gorgeous. Tyler is fascinated by his hands, too. He talks to them all the time. I say we should puppets on them so at least he is talking to a face 😉

  4. LeeAnn says:

    Gracie is so precious, that first pic especially I love! She is a lucky girl to be so loved and to have a daddy that she treasures so, love the post!

  5. Carissa says:

    So glad to hear how well she’s doing! She’s simply adorable!

  6. maria warren says:

    Jay what a beautiful little girl Grace is you and her daddy are doin an amazing job you should be very proud of yourselves!!! you truly are an insperation to all the other mums and dad who are going through the same thing, Grace sure is a credit to you what a lucky little sweetie she is to have you as her mummy and daddy love and best wishes to you all xxxxx maria x

  7. letty says:

    She is adorable!!!!

  8. shirley bidnick says:

    Gracie Lou really suits her. Some men seem to have difficulty relating to children with special need. There are so many feelings to deal with, and that does not tend to be their domain. The men who successfully navigate those feelings usually become influential leaders and advocates, in addition to being great dad’s.

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