Just a quick update on my lovely Sabrina – Lately she has been doing very well with her sitting and slowly she is learning to sit unassisted for short periods of time. She is also looking like she might be interested in learning how to crawl soon, but her preferred thing to do is rolling around. At least now that she can roll well she spends alot more time on her tummy sinse she can easily escape whenever shes ready! Sabrina now has about 6 teeth, and brushing them is a nightmare. We usually end up with toothpaste all over her face and up her nose 🙂 She has been drinking her bottles without problems for quite a while now, and although she still doesnt drink heaps, I’m really happy with how shes doing. Solids dont go down quite as smoothly but we’re working on it!

And some great news –  On the weekend just passed,  Sabrinas grandmother and I took her on a day trip to meet another family living with WHS in their lives. They live an hour and a quater away and have an 11 yr old daughter with WHS. It was so wonderful to meet this family and to know that they live as close as they do.  I only wish I had taken pictures to share, but silly me left my camera behind. Next time!


3 Responses to Sabrina update

  1. LeeAnn says:

    It’s so good to hear more good news of Sabrina! That is the cutest smile on her sweet face.

  2. Heather says:

    Great update and SUPER cute picture. She has the sweetest smile!!

  3. shirley bidnick says:

    I think Sabrina likes to pose for the camera. It must have been wonderful to meet another family with WHS. Rochelle and I have never been able to do that in person. If you visit again, you can take pictures and share them with us. There are not many 11 year old children on this site. I hope the child is doing well.

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