Hello! I am the mother of a little girl at almost 10 months. When she was 16 days old we found out that she has Wolfhirschorns syndrome. We lived 5.5 months in the hospital with her ​​before we came home.
We live in Sweden.
// Therese


3 Responses to Our wonderful daughter Little O!

  1. crivera75 says:

    Hi Therese,
    I know of another woman, Cecilia, who also lives in Sweden with a son who has WHS. Are you on FB? It is nice to meet you and I am looking forward to hearing more about your sweet girl!

  2. Theza says:

    I sent you an email 🙂

  3. Helena says:

    Hi! I live in Sweden to with my daughter Lina, 17 years old.
    We recently got the diagnosis of Wolf-Hirschhorn.
    When Lina was about 1 year she was diagnost with Noonan Syndrom, but now we know that was wrong.
    This website is really fantastic, I love the beautiful pictures of all children! They look so much like my Lina when she was a little girl!

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