Soon it will be two months since our little boy passed away and I want to thank you for all the comments and consolation you guys have shown us. It has ment a lot to me to know that somewhere on the other side of the globe there are wonderful people thinking of us. To wish you a happy continuance of the time of Eastern: here is a picture from last year of our WHS-son and his sister. At that time he was only a few months old.

Those eggs that his sister is holding are real egg shells that are filled with soft nougat chocolate. The photo-shoot ended when she found out the real content and started eating. At that time we did not want to visit different places with our son, so this picture served as our Eastern greeting.

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2 Responses to Happy Easter and Thanks to you all!

  1. KevinO says:

    The #1 purpose of this site is to bring us all closer together, so I am glad that we were able to be there for you. Thank you for sharing this picture with us as I am sure it remains difficult for you and your family.

  2. LeeAnn says:

    Thank you for posting a note, the picture is precious. What a sweet memory. You definitely have friends here still thinking of you and your family.

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