Hello to all, hope this finds you all well. I thought I would drop a quick note with an update on Arin. She was weighed last night and is currently 1470 grams or 3lbs 3.8oz. She needs to get to 1500 grams or about 3lbs 4oz to get out of the incubator and into a crib and as of last talk with the neonatologist 1700 grams or 3lbs 11oz to come home. She is now on ad lib feedings and taking about 40-50mL per feeding of fortified breastmilk. The neurologist examined her the other day and stated that she looked good and informed me that he has experience with WHS kids so that is a relief that we are not having to give the doc info on the condition like we have for some of the others. I was asked for some more pics so here are some.



7 Responses to 2 weeks old and counting

  1. Shannon says:

    Oh she is SO close to getting out of the incubator! Yay! Grow on Arin! Love all the pics, she’s just adorable! Is that big brother in those last pics? Precious!

  2. Laurie says:

    She is beautiful, and she looks so much like Kaylee did when she was born. She is in my prayers each night; may she continue to grow and thrive! xo

  3. Brianna says:

    Yes that is me holding her in the orange shirt, grandma in the purple shirt and flowered jacket, godmother in the red shirt and big brother in the green shirt.

  4. Ross Lennox says:

    She’s so precious, Brianna. Arin is doing great and you all look justifiably proud. It was not long ago we were in exactly the same position – and although I know it sometimes feels like you’ll be in hospital forever, you will all be home before you know it and memories of incubators and ward rounds quickly fade to be replaced with far happier ones. Trust me!

  5. cordillh says:

    Arin is absolutely precious. So glad to hear she is doing well. She is so close to her going-home weight, very exciting.

  6. taylorbug says:

    Arin is just so beautiful! I love all of the pics. I’m so happy that she is doing so well.

  7. Trudi Perry says:

    She is so cute.

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