Hello everyone this is my first time on this website and thought I should share my niece with all of you since I read some of the stories of other children with WHS and it touched my heart. So I guess ill tell you more about my niece,her name is Nayana.  When my family first found out my sister in law was pregnant it was such a happy time. Everyone was happy because we were expanding our family but then we found out that that Nayana wasn’t growing properly and might have something wrong with her we were really worried because the doctors kept telling my sister in law that Nayana wasn’t going to make it when she was born. That was the most heartbreaking thing I ever heard I’m tearing up thinking about it because I couldn’t imagine life without my princess.  Nayana is the joy of my life I adore my niece even though life will be hard for her but she’s a fighter even when she had her seizure for the first time it was scary you don’t ever want to see a child suffer but even then Nayana bounced back. She got surgery to fix her cleft lip a few months back,which the doctors did an amazing  job on and she didn’t even act like it bothered her. She is always so happy especially when her daddy is around she’s the ultimate daddy’s girl. She also loves to be sung to and complemented lol She’s so smart already and it makes me so proud because even with all the struggle she’s going to face in life she will always face it with a smile and over come it all, our princess is a fighter. Oh and her first birthday is coming up in May already !! I can’t believe i,t time flew by so fast ! I cant wait to celebrate her birthday because we can celebrate how far we have come as a family and how far she has come. Well that’s a little bit of our story I will keep you guys updated with more pictures and post especially on her birthday 🙂 take care everyone and god bless

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6 Responses to Meet my beautiful Niece Nayana

  1. Heather (Frankie's mom) says:

    She is beautiful, and it sounds like you are an amazing and involved aunt in her life. Thanks for the introduction!

  2. jerri says:

    She is v cute!!!

  3. AshleyRodriguez says:

    Thank you guys so much I’m glad you guys enjoy her story even if it was brief but I can’t wait to share more stories and updates on how she’s doing. Have a good day god bless.

  4. Letty says:

    She is beautiful!!! Things may be a little tough at first, but things do get better. Can’t wait to read more about her.

  5. RANJU NAIR says:

    My son has the same WH syndrome, Can anyone pls suggest me the better place for treatment or training for making him self dependent in South India.

  6. shirley bidnick says:

    Thank you for sharing your adorable niece with us. She was sweet and lovely before her surgery, and even more so after. The doctor did a very good job. You deserve to be proud of yourselves as a family for managing to adjust to the first year of life with a child with WHS. The first year brings so many challenges, it can be overwhelming. Rochelle is 33years old. It does get better. Each year is easier that the last.

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