I’ve been delinquent in posting the newest videos of Kendall and am finally getting to it.

She continues to dance every time she hears music. She also gets into these moods where all she wants to do is laugh. Oh yeah, she also figured out how to snap her fingers!

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6 Responses to She’s a Dancer, a Laugher and a Snapper

  1. Jeff clear says:

    That’s great! She’s doing so well, thanks for the video post.

  2. Leonie says:

    Sabrina and I really enjoyed that 🙂 WE LOVE KENDALL!!!!

  3. valgutwein says:

    These videos are precious. Wow, she is good on her feet!

  4. Hilary says:

    I love Kendall! Great videos! Her laugh is contagious!

  5. Ross says:


  6. Jessica Aman says:

    I love the videos. She is just so cute. I hope I get to meet Kendall someday soon. I love those laughing fits too. Tanner gets into them abou one a day. It makes everyone smile regardless of the day. Thanks for sharing, Kevin:)

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