My son Peyton was born on December 29, 2010. He weighed 5 lbs and 13 oz and was 19.5 oz. He was born at 40 weeks and 4 days but his gestential age was only 35 weeks. In the hospital they identified a heart mumur which led to pulomnary stenosis and a bicuspid valve.

He was diganosed with WHS a week after he was born. In his short life we have spent most of it seeing every specialist availabe if feels like but he has been a real trooper and has done very well. So far, we have had positive results from the specialist visits but still have some to go.

Peyton is feeding very well on his own and is now up to 6 lbs 7 oz so we were very happy with his progress and hope that he continues on this path.

Thank you for the creation of this website. It has been so nice to read the stories of all of the children on the website and see the smiling faces.

2 days old

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5 Responses to Introducing Peyton

  1. christy shields says:

    Peyton is so adorable!! I can’t wait to read more about him and his accomplishments. I wish him and his family well.

  2. cordillh says:

    Welcome to the world, Peyton!! He is gorgeous, such a handsome little man. I have a little girl, Riley, who will turn 2 in Feb. She is amazing. I hope you can find all the support you need through this journey. It is not always easy, but I would not change our life for a moment. I keep a private blog, send me an e-mail at with your e-mail address and I can add you as a reader.

  3. Welcome Peyton and family! He is so adorable! My son Dylan will be 2 in Febuary and was also diagnosed with WHS one week after birth. He has had a few bumps in the road but is doing great. I look forward to reading more about Peyton. I also keep a blog for Dylan at Please feel free to visit it and if you have any questions or just want to talk please send me a e-mail at 🙂

  4. Laurie says:

    Welcome, Peyton! You sure are a handsome little boy, and your weight gain is rather exceptional if you ask me! My daughter is Kaylee, and she just turned a year old last weekend. The journey is an emotional one– I cannot lie– but you have found a support system like no other. I look forward to watching Peyton grow and thrive; you can tell by looking at his picture that he is going to surpass every expectation and simply amaze you! If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

  5. Shannon says:

    Oh my! Peyton is a gorgeous little man! His weight gain is pretty impressive too! Looking forward to watching him grow and thrive! My daughter’s name is Emma and she just turned 4 in December! And like the others, feel free to email me @

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