Kendall has been making huge strides with walking and here we caught her on her longest journey across the family room. We agreed that we know what she’ll be for Halloween! (All in good fun of course!) We’re so proud of her…

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5 Responses to Kendall Walking: Clearly Frankenstein for Halloween!

  1. Laurie says:

    Amazing, Kevin! Kendall is absolutely amazing! God bless her…may she continue to walk strong with that big smile of hers!

  2. mihaela says:

    I love you, Kendal! Keep it up, you strong and smart little lady!

  3. cordillh says:

    She is amazing!!!! We had to watch the video a few times, Riley was smiling the whole time. Way to go Kendall!

  4. KevinO says:

    She’s so excited about walking and it makes her so happy! She loves doing new things…

  5. Noreen says:

    This is absolutely adorable… one can see her sheer joy at the accomplishment.. Thanks for sharing ! Advocates love achievements and progress on these little life goals..:)

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