We took her to her check up at the doctor a few weeks ago and she is doing great. Although she only gained 5 ounces in a whole month, she grew 2 inches. She continues to get taller, but slow moving on the weight. She was 6lbs, 13oz at 3 full months. Still very small, but man is she a great little baby.

She is so good all the time and loves to just hang out. She stays with me a lot during the day except when I am out of the house for meetings. She stays in my office by me and either looks around or sleeps. She barely makes a fuss or is unhappy. I spend my day looking at the PC or looking at her. I can’t think of a better way to work.

I think about how sad it is that she is going to be growing out of her baby stages and into a little person. I’ve never been around a more pleasant and happy baby in my life. She is mostly content, unless she is hungry and once she gets a bottle in her mouth, she is back to normal.

Kendall has been sleeping the night through almost every night. I stay up late and get some work done between 9-11:30 and feed her one last time at around 11:30 in hopes to be in bed by midnight. If I am lucky, I have some time to lay on the couch with her sprawled out on my chest. That is the highlight of my day. If she lasts through to the morning, she usually has to be woken up at around 7:30 for a good feeding. At that time, she’s ready to start her day and look at her mobile for a couple hours.

We can’t say enough about how happy she makes us and what an unbelievable treat it is to have her. Carsen’s even taking a liking to her and knows what a special little angel she is.


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