Posts by author: Autumn

Little Lemur Tyler

November 3, 2012 by

Tyler is now 19 months old and doing great! He just got a g-tube and is finally gaining weight and has more energy.  He loves music therapy and being snuggled.  He is sitting up without assistance and bearing weight on his legs.  We hope to be crawling by Christmas 🙂 He is happy little guy and […]

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Perfectly Perfect

February 5, 2012 by

I wrote this post on my blog but wanted to share it on here also.  I hope everyone is doing well and eating lots of good food on this Superbowl Sunday…. Dysmorphic Facial Features….. I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m talking about.  Those words are the reason the NICU doctor gave us for wanting to […]

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Little Monster

November 1, 2011 by

Tyler was a little green monster for Halloween. He loved handing out candy and squealing at the trick or treaters.

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July 9, 2011 by

So much has happened since the last update-Tyler finally has his hearing aids and the difference in him is incredible! He was sleeping so much before and every since, we can’t get him to take naps.  It’s like he doesnt want to miss anything 🙂  His little personality is coming out and he is vocalizing […]

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After weeks of bad news, we finally got some good.  Last week was an awesome week! My stepson, Peyton was able to meet Tyler for the first time and it was adorable.  Peyton is five years and old and wherever we go people remark at how big he is for his age.  He is in the […]

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April 26, 2011 by

I wanted to add a pic of my little guy and also had some questions about seizures.  When did your children start having them and what kind are they?  I have heard of some kind of test they can do while the child is sleeping to check brain waves or something.  It just seems that […]

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Tyler James

April 24, 2011 by

My name is Autumn and 4 weeks ago I gave birth to a 4 lb 13 ounce baby boy that we named Tyler. I was induced at 36 weeks because of growth restriction that doctors thought was due to a 2-vessel cord. After delivery he was immediately taken to the NICU. Two days after he was born, the NICU doctor informed us he wanted to do chromosomal testing because of facial dysmorphic features.

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